District to sell schools’ surplus inventory on Friday
MADISON – Madison City Schools will have a ‘spring cleaning’ sale of surplus inventory on May 1.
“The public is invited to help with the purge. The school district will accept sealed bids on items that will be sold in lots,” public relations manager John Peck said.
“The surplus runs the gamut: from kindergarten items to exercise equipment and from giant cookers to file cabinets, toddler chairs and cafeteria tables,” Peck said. Other items include kindergarten beds, shelving, cafeteria tables with attached pod seats, industrial deep-fryers, large bins for serving lines, glass-door coolers, desks, televisions, overhead projectors and lighting fixtures.
“There’s even an antique sewing machine and large zero-turn mower,” Peck said.
The merchandise is not junk. “Much is still useable — only the school district no longer has use for it,” Peck said. For example, cafeterias have replaced deep fryers with convection ovens. Toddler items were left behind at the former Legacy Academy for Children, now Madison’s pre-kindergarten center.
“We see this as being prudent with our resources. We would like to thank students from Bob Jones and James Clemens who donated hundreds of hours of labor to help stack and sort the items into lots,” director of operations Patrick Conner said.
The sale will be held in a warehouse at 15 Short St., south of Martin Street in downtown Madison. Individuals can view the merchandise on April 29, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; April 30, 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and May 1, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
At these times, school officials will accept bids. Sealed bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m. on May 1.
The highest bidders will receive the items and must pay on May 1 and move the merchandise by May 15. “Each lot must be sold complete and from bids submitted on a designated bid form,” Peck said.
Bidders must be 19 years old or older. Buyers can pay by cashier’s check, money order or cash.
For more information, visit madisoncity.k12.al.us.