Local chapters to host 2015 P.E.O. State Convention
HUNTSVILLE – The Philanthropic Education Organization (P.E.O.) of Alabama will conduct its 2015 convention at the Huntsville Marriott Convention Center on May 1-2.
“P.E.O. philanthropies provide educational opportunities for women by offering scholarships, grants, awards and low-interest loans to enhance their lives through learning,” convention publicist Holly Carpenter said. Carpenter is a member of the P.E.O. Chapter Z.
“P.E.O. endeavors to make a difference in women’s lives through their six philanthropies and the women’s college, Cottey College in Nevada, Mo., which offers bachelor’s and associate’s degrees,” Carpenter said.
With numerous members who are Madison residents, Huntsville P.E.O. Chapters J, Z and AJ will host the convention. “Over 200 members are expected to attend. The convention is open to P.E.O. members,” Carpenter said.
P.E.O. State President Betty Smith of Ozark selected the convention theme, “Caring and Sharing Through P.E.O.” The convention’s keynote speaker will be Mathilda Hatfield, who works as Assistant Director of Student Services in the Office of Division Strategy at the University of Central Arkansas.
Hatfield is a member of Cottey College Board of Directors. She is a charter member of Chapter BE of Conway, Ark.
Cheryl Watrous is serving as convention chair. Steering committee chairs are Karen Love and Becky Hamilton, Chapter Z; Nancy Gauldin and Sharon Sapp, Chapter J; and Valerie Chesney and Sandra Klein, Chapter AJ.
Philanthropies for P.E.O. are the Educational Loan Fund, International Peace Scholarship Fund, Program for Continuing Education, Scholar Awards and STAR Scholarship Fund for graduating high school seniors.
Founded in 1869 in Iowa, the P.E.O. Sisterhood has approximately 6,000 local chapters in the United States and Canada with approximately 250,000 active members. North Alabama has nine P.E.O. chapters and 39 throughout the state with more than 1,300 members.
The P.E.O. Foundation is a nonprofit corporation established in 1961 to encourage tax-deductible giving to P.E.O. Sisterhood’s educational and charitable projects.
For more information, visit peointernational.org.