Connect 2015 a success
From The Publisher
The Madison Chamber of Commerce knows how to throw a party.
Connect 2015 was a very special gathering and an eloquent evening out.
The event was held at the U.S Space and Rocket Center’s Davidson Center last Friday night.
Those who attended were able to dine under NASA’s Saturn V rocket. I seized the opportunity to tell my wife that I could fly her to the moon.
Connect 2015 was packed with Madison’s key community leaders and business people. These are folks who care about the economic growth and success of our community.
Abby Wright did a great job performing the national anthem to begin the evening’s ceremonies. It was also a neat experience for the Bob Jones and James Clemens students that presented our nation’s colors.
All of the attendees looked terrific in their gowns and black ties, especially the guests at the Rotary Club of Madison’s table.
Mayor Troy Trulock shared his annual state of the city address. He highlighted Madison’s accomplishments of 2014 and offered a glimpse of the efforts to come in 2015.
Connect 2015 ended with live music, coffee and cocktails at a Twilight Social. I am confident everyone had a fun time.
Elaine Ballew, executive director Madison Chamber of Commerce, and her staff, Pam Sparks, Lisa Jackson, and Sherry Brukner, did an incredible job of putting this event together. The Madison Chamber of Commerce and the many sponsors who support Connect 2015 deserve a round of applause.
The Madison Record and Madison County Record encourage businesses in Madison to join the Madison Chamber of Commerce. A strong local chamber will help build a stronger community. Please contact the Madison Chamber of Commerce at 256-325-8317 to learn more about their opportunities.
I hope to see you at Connect 2016 next year.