Finding a home in Madison
From The Publisher
My family and I recently celebrated the anniversary of our first year in Madison and my first year as publisher of The Madison Record and Madison County Record.
It did not take us long to fall in love with this community and the many selfless people here.
We quickly found out how special Madison is by meeting so many amazing people who serve this community without the need of any recognition or praise.
Our first step in getting engaged in this community was finding a church home. After visiting many wonderful churches in Madison, we connected with First Baptist Madison.
Bro. Bert Breland and his staff made sure we felt very welcome and we were able to find common ground with other families through Sunday School.
We quickly met Russ and Carrie Dickerson who have both dedicated their lives to actively making a difference in the lives of so many people at our church.
The hidden gem of First Baptist Madison’s first service is the choir led by Music Minister Mark Gessner.
Whether through scripture or hymnal, your heart will be led at First Baptist Madison.
After connecting with our church family, it was time for me to connect with a civic organization.
I was inducted into the Rotary Club of Madison. In my experience, this is one of the most progressive and active civic organizations in the state of Alabama, possibly the nation.
Our motto is ‘Service Above Self’ and everyone in that group lives that motto daily. It will be my pleasure to share some of the wonderful deeds from many of the members of that Club in the coming weeks.
Finally, we have developed a culture at The Madison Record and Madison County Record that sincerely cares for this community.
We encourage you to submit story leads, photos, and ideas on how to best serve you.
It’s our pledge to you that we will be diligent in serving Madison and we look forward to hearing from you how we can better accomplish that mission.