Local groups hang Christmas wreaths at library
MADISON – Eleven local clubs and agencies shared their message and spread holiday cheer by participating in the Festival of Wreaths at Madison Public Library.
Participants did not compete in a prize contest. Librarians invited community organizations to design a wreath that stated their objectives in a creative, symbolic way, Madison branch manager Sarah Sledge said.
Madison Hospital Women’s Council’s wreath was a whimsical representation of medical work with rubber gloves, a stethoscope, glittered syringes and an oversized pill. Madison City Council presented a silver, white and blue wreath with each council member’s name on his or her district number.
A cheerful elf centered North Alabama Railroad Museum’s wreath with Christmas-red beads. American Association of University Women (AAUW) designed a brilliant silver and turquoise wreath with poinsettias and berries. The library’s wreath used silver-glittered light bulbs to emphasize “Reading Lights up the Mind.”
The Dyslexia Center at Lindsay Lane Christian Academy presented a unique sunburst of yellow pencils holding blue ornaments and keywords used in mentoring students. Spring flowers and a watering can showed the dedicated work of Madison Garden Club.
The “Happy Hatters” Red Hat Society created a simple yet dazzling display of red hibiscus on purple ribbon. The North Alabama Freethought Association attached book jackets of thought-provoking works like “Oh, God” by Penn Jillette and “The Great Agnostic” by Susan Jacoby.
Huntsville Youth Orchestra folded sheet music as a background for brass, string and woodwind instruments. Madison Animal Rescue Foundation’s (MARF) wreath was decorated with cat and dog faces and chew toys made from felt. Peace, Love and Animals’ unique wreath was made of brown and teal yard with a paw-print bow holding paper ornaments for an opened can of tuna and phrases like “Meow” and “Woof.”
Festival of Wreaths will remain on display through Jan. 9, 2015.
Madison Public Library’s address is 130 Plaza Blvd. For more information, call 256-461-0046, email to branch manager Sarah Sledge at ssledge@hmcpl.org or visit hmcpl.org/Madison.