Bob Jones yearbook staff selling past years’ editions
The yearbook staff at Bob Jones High School is conducting the “Yearbook Clean-out Sale,” continuing until Dec. 19. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – To pursue the “Patriot Project,” students on the yearbook staff at Bob Jones High School are having a “Yearbook Clean-out Sale.”
“We have a surplus of several past years’ yearbooks that we’d like to offer up for public sale,” yearbook sponsor Robin Dauma said. Dauma teaches English, sponsors Destination Imagination (DI) at Bob Jones and Discovery Middle School and serves as DI regional director for North Alabama.
“We would to get yearbooks in the hands of alumni and parents who didn’t get one or have misplaced theirs,” Dauma said. After the sale, the staff will work on the Patriot Project with other faculty members and classes.
In limited quantities, Bob Jones yearbooks are available for 1990-1992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003-2006 and 2011-2014. Prices are $85 for 2013-2014; $50, 2011-2012; and $25 for 2006 and older.
The Yearbook Clean-out Sale will continue until Christmas break (Dec. 19). To buy a yearbook, visit the Bob Jones front office between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Mariah Enfinger is yearbook editor. Nadia Haq and Zach Isper are sharing duties as business manager.
The staff includes Rachel Adkins, Raneen Alaskari, Amelia Almanza, Mary Elizabeth Beasley, Jacquie Bloodsworth, Jessica Jordan, Alexandra Posey and Jordan Searcy.
New this fall, the Patriot Project is a school-wide, collaborative effort to create works of art, tables or other pieces related to Bob Jones’ history for exhibit when the renovation is completed. Art teacher Robin Lakso is coordinator.
For the Patriot Project, the yearbook staff is working with media specialist Cindy Huskey and art and vocational agriculture classes.
The yearbook staff is accepting “new advertisers and sponsors for this year’s 40th anniversary yearbook,” Dauma said. “For the first time in several years, the yearbook will be delivered to students in May so they can get their classmates’ signatures before the school year ends.”
What’s the theme for the 40th-anniversary edition? “The staff likes to keep the theme secret. I can assure you this year’s edition theme is exceptionally creative and representative of the Bob Jones legacy,” Dauma said.