Bob Jones, Discovery bands to ‘March on Madison’ on Oct. 21
The “March on Madison” stadium exhibition will feature marching and jazz units from Bob Jones high and Discovery middle schools on Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Bob Jones High School and Discovery Middle School band students will perform marching and jazz programs at the second annual “March on Madison” stadium exhibition on Oct. 21.
Starting at 6:30 p.m., Madison City Schools Stadium will fill with pop, rock, jazz and patriotic tunes from the city’s ‘east-side’ secondary schools. Gates will open at 6 p.m.
Bob Jones’ football and competition field shows will highlight the evening. Discovery Panther Marching Band also will march. Jazz bands from both Bob Jones and Discovery will lay down some cool tunes and standards.
As a special treat, the West Madison Juggling Team will demonstrate their acrobatic skills. For the finale, the Bob Jones and Discovery bandsmen will present a combined appearance.
Bob Jones’s football halftime show has 210 marchers. The competition band has 150 members, including 92 winds, 35 percussionists, 20 color guard and drum majors Hendryck Gellineau, Ifeoma Ugwuegbulam and Matt Day.
Doyle Thornton and Leigh Thomas direct at Bob Jones. Monroe Murray is Discovery’s director of bands.
Bob Jones’ competition show, “A Year in Review,” shows America’s love of holidays. “The crowd really enjoys the ‘America’ section in the second movement,” Thomas said. “The combination of ‘Taps,’ ‘America the Beautiful’ and ‘The Stars and Stripes Forever’ hits home.”
This year’s show has challenged students with “just the sheer number of transitions, tempos and musical styles,” Thomas said. “This show requires extreme musical maturity and practice on the students’ parts.”
Bob Jones soloists are Ben Winters, flugelhorn; Ian Rigby, John Schumacher and Ben Winters, trumpet; Aurora Russell, trombone; Mary Allen and Olivia Schweikart, dancers; Haley Delmas, rifle; LouAnn Crosby, Michelle Bono, Camille Hebert, Emily Mack and Melissa McMahon, piccolo; Nathaniel Cantrell, Paul Hunt, Shannon Massengale and Remy Shandrew, brass quarter; Avery Behr, tenor saxophone; Mary Allen, sabre; and Jesse Tollison, narrator.
Concession stands will be open.
Admission is $5. Band students are selling tickets, or pay at the gate. Elementary students wearing their school’s or Bob Jones’ spirit wear will be admitted free.