Jah readies West Madison population for 2014-2015
MADISON – Principal Dr. Daphne Jah is ready to welcome students on Aug. 5 at West Madison Elementary School.
“We are going to have an exciting year,” Jah said in recent NotifyMe communication. “We have many exciting events planned through PTA this year, such as International Night.”
In addition, Parent Academy at West Madison will offer tips to help a child with math and reading and the differences presented with Alabama College and Career Ready Standards and Common Core. Parents will learn how to navigate software that their children can use at home.
“We have added several new members to our team and moved around a few,” Jah said. Bonnie Chandler is West Madison’s new secretary/bookkeeper, and Pat Baldwin will work full time in the front office.
“Holly Cartwright is our new fifth-grade teacher,” Jah said. “Very soon, we’ll hire a new first-grade teacher.” Sally Warren has moved from fourth to second grade, Carmen Goode from third to fourth and Whitney Lawrence from fifth to fourth grade.
“We have a new wireless computer lab downstairs for kindergarten and first-grade classes,” Jah said. Plant manager Jeff Faust has installed counter space for wireless computers. West Madison has new computers for classrooms and the upstairs lab.
All West Madison classrooms have a SmartBoard or an interactive presentation system.
West Madison is partnering with Sci-Quest Hands-on Science Center to provide innovative, monthly enrichment activities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). During seven visits, Sci-Quest instructors will work with all students in grades K-6.
“We’re asking each parent to donate $10 each semester to help provide this opportunity with Sci-Quest,” Jah said. “PTA and grants also will be available to help offset costs.”
Again this year, West Madison will host Curriculum Nights. “I really encourage parents to attend these grade-level nights. The teachers will present procedures and pertinent information about the curriculum,” Jah said.
The schedule for Curriculum Nights will be posted on wmes.madisoncity.k12.al.us. Jah maintains her “Principal Blog” at wmesprincipal.blogspot.com.