Local residents named to Harding University dean’s list
SEARCY, AR — The following local residents are among more than 1,200 students included on the Harding University dean’s list for grades achieved during the spring 2014 semester.
• Courtney Sellers, a junior from Madison (35757)
• Mckenna Carr, a sophomore from Madison (35758)
The dean’s list is published each semester by Dr. Larry Long, university provost, honoring those who have achieved high scholarship. To be eligible, a student must be carrying 12 or more hours with a 3.65 or higher grade-point average and no incompletes.
Harding is the largest private university in Arkansas with 6,295 students. The University also maintains campuses in Australia, Chile, England, France, Greece, Italy and Zambia. For more information visit www.harding.edu.