Libraries implement new catalog system
HUNTSVILLE, MADISON – This week, “Koha” is the word around all branches of the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.
In Maori, the native language of New Zealand, “Koha means a gift-giving custom. At the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library, it’s also the name of our new library services platform,” communications director Ann Marie Martin said.
Koha went online on March 18. “Our old catalog went offline on March 16. All 12 library locations were closed on March 17 for the technological update,” Martin said.
In keeping with the origins of its name, Koha also gives patrons a few new features, including improved search capability, an improved mobile interface and more options for managing their accounts online, Martin said.
Like the library’s former catalog, patrons can renew and place items on hold with Koha.
With Koha, patrons can control the way they receive messages, including notices about holds and due dates. Anyone can manage his or her own list of library materials.
“Patrons decide if they want to save a list of previously checked-out materials and how long they’ll keep it,” Martin said. When searching the catalog, patrons will have an easier time in finding digital resources, like e-books, along with print materials and more items.
At this point, the library cannot copy patron’s private lists for the “My Lists” feature to the new system.
Koha software was first implemented in libraries in 1999. Across the world, thousands of libraries have adopted the software and added needed features and functionality to broaden the system’s capability (
The main branch of the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library system is located at 915 Monroe St. in Huntsville. For more information, call 256-532-2361 or visit