James Clemens SGA sponsors blood drive on Wednesday
MADISON – The Student Government Association at James Clemens High School is sponsoring the school’s second annual blood drive on Feb. 19.
The American Red Cross team will be stationed in the competition gym and concession area from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. To make an appointment to donate blood, contact a SGA member.
The SGA has been registering individuals and will volunteer to assist the Red Cross with registration and the canteen. “Our kids have been great in stepping up and making this happen,” SGA co-sponsor Melanie Turner said. Madelene Marcus also sponsors the Jets SGA.
All 16-year-old donors participating in the blood drive must bring an American Red Cross permission slip that a parent or guardian has signed.
“Last year, we maxed out our appointments and had a waiting list. Ditto this year,” James Clemens clinic nurse Deborah J. Shaner said. “Last year, we donated a total of 35 units, which may have impacted up to 105 lives.”
Any male who weighs more than 150 pounds and is at least five feet, one inch tall “can be a ‘Double Red-Cell Donor,” Shaner said. Women can contact Shaner for details.
“Basically, you give two units of red blood cells and are given back all the other blood components,” Shaner said. “Last year, we had a couple rise to the challenge.”
All presenting, volunteer blood donors will receive a Red Cross T-shirt. Donors must present a photo identification or Red Cross Donor Card. James Clemens teachers, staff and students can sign up online at redcrossblood.org/make-donation.
For more information, call 256-216-5313 or visit jchs.madisoncity.k12.al.us.