Director of instruction Wright accepts Enterprise superintendent slot
MADISON – Dr. Camille Wright, Director of Instruction for Madison City Schools, has accepted the superintendent position with Enterprise City Schools.
Similarities between Enterprise and Madison interested her. “They have 6,700 students, one high school and a large military population. My strengths matched well with their needs,” Wright said.
“I’m ready for the next step,” Wright said as a first-time superintendent. Her work for 6.5 years in Madison often mirrored a superintendent’s tasks.
What advice does she offer her successor? “Be fair, and be the voice for the students who don’t have one,” Wright said. “Ensure all students are college and career ready.”
She also recommends to “be a partner, not a director, and support your teams. Do what is right at all costs. Have fun.”
Declining credit for successes, Wright takes pride “that our data has continued to improve in the face of adversity, personnel cuts and opening a new high school.”
She also cited 24 National Merit Semifinalists and ACT participation increasing from 80 to 91 percent since 2006. James Clemens High School opened after re-staffing of four secondary schools “without any loss of quality instruction or curricular offerings.”
“Advanced-placement qualifying scores have increased astronomically,” Wright said. “Our Alabama Reading and Math Test (ARMT) scores are the state’s third highest. Students receiving internships and industry-recognized credentials have increased dramatically.”
Wright is pleased with Madison’s philosophical shift from “vocational programs” to career readiness with 35 career tech teachers. Embedded throughout the year, professional development focuses on individual teachers. “We have developed a true learning culture,” she said.
Husband Dr. Walter Wright is a dentist in Section. Their son “John, 26, is a business graduate from South Alabama but living in Madison working on a computer science degree.” Son Austin, 23, will graduate from Auburn University this month in chemical engineering with a minor in German.
“I’ll certainly leave a part of myself behind and will take a part of many wonderful individuals,” Wright said. “I thank the people of Madison for their incredible love, acceptance and support.”