Ninety dancers cast in The Dance Company’s production of ‘The Nutcracker’
MADISON – Music and dance synonymous with Christmas will come to life when The Dance Company presents “The Nutcracker.”
The Dance Company students in “The Nutcracker” include (front, from left) Elena Gimenez and Jessica Newton and (back, from left) Shaniya Sauerwald, Arsemen Brown and Elena Smith. (CONTRIBUTED)
This production will be presented at Columbia High School, 300 Explorer Blvd. in Huntsville on Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. and Dec. 15 at 2 p.m.
After presenting excerpts of “The Nutcracker” for years, The Dance Company has expanded its in-studio exhibition for parents to this full staging. “Each year, our wonderful honors ballet director Susan Potts has added scenes and sets (for) a more elaborate production,” studio owners Beth Cannon and Julie George said.
“Lead dancers, such as Snow Queen, Sugar Plum Fairy and Dew Drop Fairy, are members of honors ballet and apprentice companies,” Potts said. In class five days weekly, these dancers have attended summer studies at American Ballet Theatre, Nashville Ballet and University of South Carolina Summer Dance Conservatory.
“The Nutcracker” cast includes (front, from left) Anna Grace O’Donell and Hannah Hebinck and (back, from left) Kaitlin Burge and Erin Solomon. (CONTRIBUTED)
The production includes 90 dancers in at least two numbers. “A wealth of performances is shared by all — from youngest to the oldest,” Potts said.
Jessie Potts-Prescott is assistant director. “We have a wonderful team of spouses and parents who assist with sets, costumes and backstage. Curtis Potts and Brock Prescott work diligently behind the scenes,” Cannon said.
Potts acknowledged Jean Morphew and Linda Smith for their “amazing job” in administrative support. Gun Abele created two backdrops for sets.
“One of my dreams is that Madison builds its very own performing arts center for this very artistically talented area,” Potts said. The venue has presented the major challenge.
“Columbia has a wonderful theatre … but the stage is very basic with no fly rails,” Potts said. “You’ll be amazed at how we transformed this black, empty stage into magical places ‘The Nutcracker.'”
In lieu of admission, guests can donate canned food for Manna House. “Last year, we were overwhelmed by our patrons’ generosity. We hope to give an even larger donation this year,” George said.
The Dance Company’s address is 19 Hughes Road. For information, call 256-461-8759 or visit or Facebook/thedancecompanyinc.