Summer sees upgrades, new assistant principal at Madison elementary
MADISON – New staff members, along with renovations and upgrades, will welcome Madison Elementary School students at open house on Aug. 15.
All kindergarten classrooms, cabinets and ‘cubbies’ were painted. “Two air conditioning units were replaced in the computer lab and front office,” Principal Dr. Timothy Scott said.
“Everyone is excited about the new front counter and … nice wooden trim and our security windows,” Scott said. “The counter is very pleasing to the eye as you enter the building and complements our new security doors.”
During summer, the faculty trained for new College & Career Ready Standards (CCRS). For English and language arts, teachers Pam Shelton, kindergarten; Kathy Crutcher, first grade; Beth Woodard, fourth grade; and instructional partner Natalie Smoak worked collaboratively with other Madison teachers “to further enhance their understanding of each standard, regarding what each student should know, understand and do,” Scott said.
Math for CCRS was the next focus. Debra Fuller, kindergarten; Laura Ruffin, sixth grade; Joy Wilson, fourth; Renae Yancey, fifth; and Smoak “reflected on past practices for 2012-2013. They identified what was successful and areas needing revamp to better meet students’ needs,” Scott said.
On Aug. 29, the faculty will continue by implementing additional routines, procedures and expectations for math classrooms, Scott said.
Scott and his staff reviewed parent surveys submitted this spring. “We need to continue revamping our current practices to incorporate additional instructional practices to make our day-to-day lessons more engaging and motivating for students in science and social studies,” he said. “Teachers at Madison elementary will definitely consider this information and make necessary adjustments.”
Britt Lovelace is Madison elementary’s new assistant principal. Other new faces are media specialist Shanna Edgar, resource teacher Zandra Morgan, resource assistants Judy Toles and Raquel Duthu and custodian Chris Bolorin.
Open house on Aug. 15 will be held from 5 to 5:45 for kindergarten, second and fourth grades and 6 to 6:45 p.m. for first, third, fifth and sixth grades. Classroom lists will be posted.