ICU-Huntsville provides Madison women with quality healthcare
By Aldo Amato
Staff Reporter
MADISON — Women in Madison in need of assistance before or during pregnancy have a new option.
Image Clear Ultrasound-Huntsville mobile unit will sit out in front of Walgreens on County Line Road every Monday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The non-profit organization provides free ultrasounds and pregnancy tests for women who are not under a physician’s care.
Mobile Director April Sutherland said the mobile is an opportunity for women to come out to a safe and nonjudgmental environment.
“We are here to provide a number of services while being compassionate,” she said. “We strictly provide confidential and quality care.”
Each woman is allowed one pregnancy test and up to two ultrasounds. The unit is stationed out of Huntsville and looks to expand its coverage area within the next year or so.
“We definitely want to get out to places like Scottsboro and rural areas,” Sutherland said. “Days when we are slow and a woman in Limestone or Marshall County needs us, we want to be able to travel out there and give her the care she needs.”
Sutherland said the mobile unit in Huntsville is just one of about 40 in the nation. There are similar units in Brazil and Ghana
She added that women who are on the fence about getting an ultrasound or pregnancy test done should know they are not alone in the process
“Many of the people that come aboard should know that we’ve been in their shoes and we are here for them,” Sutherland sad. “Whether it has been from an unplanned pregnancy or something of that nature. We are here to guide them through and provide them with what they need.”
The unit will be stationed at the 12010 County Line Road location every Monday. To follow other locations of where it will be set up, follow ICU-Huntsville on Twitter at @ICUHuntsville.