James Clemens teachers study with author Jackie Walsh
MADISON – Acclaimed author Dr. Jackie Walsh visited James Clemens High School for the faculty’s study of her book, “Thinking Through Quality Questioning – Deepening Student Engagement.”
Walsh and Beth Dankert Sattes co-authored “Questioning and Understanding to Improve Learning and Thinking (QUILT),” which educators have endorsed nationwide. In more than 30 states, Walsh has provided professional development in classroom questioning for thousands of teachers and administrators.
Walsh has worked with several Madison City Schools teachers and administrators through her role as a primary consultant for the Alabama Best Practices Center in Montgomery.
Teachers in all subject areas and James Clemens Principal Dr. Brian Clayton participated in the book study. Walsh’s book examines “the characteristics of quality questions that engage students in deep thinking about the content,” James Clemens instructional partner Kelli R. Nichols said.
The book continues with “strengthening those behaviors to improve overall thinking and learning,” Nichols said. Walsh’s work shows how “to deepen student engagement (and) how to best implement quality questioning in the classroom for optimal student learning.”
While visiting James Clemens, Walsh met in small groups during teachers’ embedded professional development. The day’s discussions focused on chapter three that the teachers recently had read, Nichols said.
Other books by Walsh are “Quality Questioning: Research-Based Practice to Engage Every Learner” and “Leading Through Quality Questioning: Creating Capacity, Commitment and Community.”
To contact Walsh, email to walshja@aol.com.