Bob Jones FCCLA excels in fashion, interviewing and design
MADISON – A competent command of contrasting skills led to state honors for students in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) at Bob Jones High School.
About 400 students from across Alabama competed in Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) events in Montgomery on March 15-16, Kristy Wheeler said. Wheeler sponsors FCCLA and teaches Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classes at Bob Jones.
First-place winners from Bob Jones were Victoria Moorehead, interior design; Jasmine Duncan, job interview; and Sydney Taylor fashion design. Earning second-place honors, Tyler Nesselrotte competed in recycle and redesign, while Claire Tsai excelled in fashion construction.
“These students worked so hard,” Wheeler said. “They now can compete at the 2013 National FCCLA Leadership Meeting in Nashville on July 7-11.”
In addition, Bob Jones received the “Children’s First Award,” recognizing their generous community service work with “Purses for Change” that helps homeless teenagers in Madison and Huntsville.
Students met their goal to fill 40 bags of necessities. FCCLA members and FACS students brought in non-perishable food items and travel-size toiletries. Purses for Changes provided sturdy, canvas tote bags for the items. “Each class spent time designing and decorating the bags,” Wheeler said.
Nesselrotte, a senior and Bob Jones FCCLA president, said the project was one of the best that FCCLA has done. “It brought all of our members together, and our FACS classes were also involved.”
FCCLA members chose this project “because it was not only beneficial to our community but also for underprivileged people who are in need of things that we can provide them,” Nesselrotte said.
Scott Peterson, a representative from the Studio/Tennessee Valley Family Services, visited Bob Jones to gather the donations. “He gave a very motivating and moving speech to the students about the importance of what they are doing and exactly how each item they donated can help a homeless teenager in need,” Wheeler said.
FCCLA is a national, non-profit organization devoted to preparing FACS students for leadership and future careers. For more information, visit