Dublin to host Arbor Week Workshop on Thursday
MADISON – The City of Madison Beautification and Tree Board will present the Madison Arbor Week Workshop on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Dublin Park.
The free workshop is open to the community. Registration is not required.
Local horticulture and gardening experts will present helpful sessions about landscaping. Ken Creel will discuss “Getting Trees Started Right.” Creel works as regional extension agent for home grounds, gardens and pest management with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
Beautification board member Carol Umsteadter will present a session for “Trees that Withstand High Wind Conditions.” Umsteadter is a master gardener and licensed landscape designer.
“Crape Myrtles and Pruning Best Practices” will be the topic for Stoney Gray, certified arborist and professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Two lucky participants will win $50 door prizes. Creel will provide publications from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System for ornamental and fruit trees. The workshop will include ample time for participants to ask specific questions about growing trees.
Founded in October 2002, Madison Beautification and Tree Board acts in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city council to enhance the quality of life in Madison through beautification and environmentally friendly practices.
In other projects, the board presents its annual beautification awards for non-residential property, including businesses, churches, schools and homeowner associations. During spring, summer and fall, the Yards of Madison program recognizes residential homeowners with neat and attractive lawns that add pride to their neighborhood.
In addition, the Pride of Madison program encourages individuals, organizations and businesses to improve the environment and appearance of our community by adopting a small public area in the city. Groups or individuals can adopt a park, a mile or a bench.
Beautification board officers for 2013 are president Karen Lawler; vice president for tree board, Tom Irby; vice president for beautification board, Alice Tucker; secretary Julie Ray; and treasurer Lisa Thomas.
For more information, email to madisonbeautificationboard@yahoo.com or visit Facebook/Madison Beautification Board.