Bob Jones actors, technicians qualify for 2013 SETC
Bob Jones High School drama students enjoyed a perfect ending at the Walter J. Trumbauer Drama Festival.
Hannah Diamant, Lauren Payne, Olivia Skillern and Nathan Daniel in "The Perfect Ending" (Photo courtesy of Mary Davis)
Their one-act play, “The Perfect Ending,” qualified to represent Alabama at the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) in Louisville, Ky. in 2013. The University of North Alabama in Florence hosted the state festival on Nov. 29 through Dec. 1.
Judges deemed “The Perfect Ending” as “Best in Show,” outranking other productions in the ratings. Bob Jones also received the award for “Best Costumes,” drama teacher Mary Davis said. Her colleague, B. Dwayne Craft, authored the play.
Bob Jones students Hannah Diamant, Zach Koenig and Lauren Payne were named to the All-Star Cast.
In individual results, Bob Jones performers earned 60 superior rankings.
Led by choir director Randall Fields, all members of the Bob Jones Choir received superior ratings. Emily McDowell captured first place in the category for “Solo Musical Female, Dramatic Novice.”
Theatre students Nicky O’Keefe and Emeline Earman took second place for “Duet Reader’s Theatre, Dramatic, Novice.” Also taking second place were Will Beck and Nathan Rodes in “Duet Reader’s Theatre, Comedic, Novice.”
Anna McAbee received third-place honors for “Female Dramatic Monologue, Novice.” Kayla Thompson was first-place winner for “Female Comedic Monologue, Novice.”
For “Lighting Design, Varsity,” Jacob McClellan won third place. Holly Morgan received second place for both “Playwriting, Varsity” and “Solo Classical Comedic, Varsity.”
For “Male Dramatic Monologue, Novice,” Jordan Coats earned first place and Jesse Tollison took second place. Elena Ontiveros received third place for “Solo Classical Comedic, Varsity.”
In the “Duet Classical Dramatic, Novice” category, Sarah Combs and Anna Hughes were second-place winners. For “Duet Classical Dramatic, Varsity,” Cheyenne Beacraft and Kathryn Laury captured second place, while Adam Kim and Morgan Turbiner took third place.
“Sometime in late February, we will have a benefit show for ‘The Perfect Ending’ to help raise funds needed to get to SETC,” Davis said. The 64th annual SETC convention will be held in Louisville, Ky. on March 6-10, 2013.