1818 Farms welcomes visitors for Christmas season
Just one year ago, G. Laurence III and Natasha McCrary broke ground for 1818 Farms in Mooresville. Visitors now can enjoy events in December for the Christmas season.
“This ‘adventure’ has been a great family building experience that has changed our lives for the better in so many ways,” Natasha McCrary said. “1818 Farms is preparing to celebrate our first Christmas season.”
LeeLee Wiginton with Lyn’s Gracious Goodness and Natasha will conduct a Christmas entertaining workshop on Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to noon. “Guests will enjoy a tour of the farm, meet the animals and then sit down for a gourmet luncheon and wine from Lyn’s Gracious Goodness,” Natasha said.
Following lunch, Wiginton will present the class with entertaining suggestions. “We have tons of gorgeous new ideas for Christmas decorating,” Natasha said. Class fee is $75.
1818 Farms encompasses three acres at 24889 Lauderdale St. in Mooresville. The farm is home to four Babydoll Southdown Sheep, seven Pygmy and Nubian goats, two barn cats, 40 hens including Buff Orpington and Americauna varieties, a pot-bellied pig and two Great Pyrenees dogs.
The McCrary children, Gamble, Eliza and Waggoner, help to tend to the animals.
Two classes for holiday wreath-making will be held on Dec. 8. Class times are 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “Sip coffee and hot chocolate while you create a spectacular Della Robbia style wreath adorned with fresh fruits, berries, natural seed pods and pine cones,” Natasha said.
Class fee of $50 includes a 22-inch, fresh-cut balsam fir and white pine wreath, florist wire and all-natural materials. Participants should bring gloves, wire cutters and hot glue gun (if available). For reservations, visit 1818farms.com.
“We are also now taking orders for 1818 Farms products and holiday baskets,” Natasha said. “Items can be delivered in Madison or Huntsville or picked up at the farm.”
“We have many more exciting events planned for 2013,” Natasha said. For more information, call 256-714-3220, send email to 1818farms@gmail.com or visit 1818Farms.com or Facebook/1818 Farms.