Bob Jones tutors share math skills at West Madison
Math aces from Bob Jones High School are sharing their knowledge as tutors with West Madison Elementary School students.
Mu Alpha Theta tutors at Bob Jones include Yoo-Jung Yang, from left, Cody Wheeler, Frederick Daso and Vishal Shroff. They're dressed for a spirit day during homecoming week.
Members of Mu Alpha Theta math honor society already were tutoring classmates at Bob Jones. “But we wanted to expand because we could have a greater impact on the surrounding community,” Mu Alpha Theta president Frederick Daso said.
Daso presented his idea to his fellow officers and they discussed how to turn the idea into reality. “I met with the principals from West Madison and Discovery Middle School,” Daso said. “They absolutely loved the idea. We’re pushing forward to provide our services.”
Along with Daso, the tutors are Ananya Banerjee, Gabby Daso, Priya Ganatra, Vishal Shroff, Cody Wheeler, Yoo-Jung Yang and Paul Yi.
Mu Alpha Theta’s tutoring service is free to students.
Three tutors already have assignments. “We’re high in demand apparently,” Daso said. Most tutoring is done after school. However, the tutor and the child’s parents can set up a schedule.
Mu Alpha Theta tutors have rigorous prerequisites:
* Be a returning member to the organization.
* Enrolled in honors algebra II, trigonometry or more advanced math course.
* Enrolled as a junior in pre-calculus or more advanced course.
* Enrolled as a senior in calculus A, advanced placement statistics or more advanced course.
* Have an A or a B in all previous math courses.
“In our tutoring sessions, we usually have a one-on-one meeting, focusing on reinforcing crucial math skills so they can tackle the next lesson with ease,” Daso said.
Tutoring sessions for Bob Jones students are held before and after school on Wednesdays. “With this new tutoring program at West Madison, we leave it to the tutor and the parent to schedule tutoring times, giving the parents the most flexibility in arranging a date,” Daso said.
Michelle Mitchell sponsors Mu Alpha Theta, which currently has 150 members. For information about the tutoring service, send email to