Mayoral candidates face off
Huntsville and Madison mayoral candidates engaged in a somewhat heated debate Tuesday night. The debate hosted by WHNT News 19 included Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, Jackie Reed, Don Palmer and Troy Trulock. Monaco Pictures at Bridge Street Town Centre held a watch party.
Huntsville candidates Battle and government watchdog Jackie Reed disagreed about the Huntsville Housing Authority and the salary of government employees, with Reed disapproving of some of the housing authority’s actions and wanting the firefighters and police to be paid more. Reed’s often blunt statements drew chuckles from the audience at the watch party. Former Mayor Loretta Spencer declined to attend the debate due to a prior engagement.
Madison Candidates Don Palmer and Troy Trulock were more agreeable than Battle and Reed, except on the matter of the candidates’ relevant work experiences. Trulock claimed his business and government experience outweighed Palmer’s, and Palmer went on the defense citing his international business experience working with governments.