Family of the year nominations open
Nominations for Madison’s Family of the Year are now open.
The goal of the program is to recognize families in the community that maintain wholesome family values and live their lives in a way to promote the qualities of family life that make the city of Madison a desirable place to live.
Madison residents are urged to visit the city of Madison website at Under ‘Our Community’ is the Madison “Family of the Year” page link with details about the program including access to a simple nomination form. The deadline for nominations is Aug. 1.
The Madison Family of the Year program recognizes those families in the community that maintain exceptional traits and support activities and programs, which make the Madison a quality place to live. Madison is nationally recognized as one of the Top 10 Places to Grow Up in America.
The Madison Family of the Year is a family chosen as an outstanding family through a nomination, application and scoring process. The Family of the Year is selected in reference to their involvement in the community, values and quality contributions of service. The goal of the program is to recognize and support strong families in our community.
In April of 1996, The Mayor of the City of Madison, recognizing the diversity and richness of family life in Madison, directed the development of a “Family of the Year” program. The program is led by a committee of volunteers in the Madison Community.
On the City of Madison website you will find nomination procedures, a link to a nomination form, dates, eligibility criteria and obligations of the Madison Family of the Year.