Berryhill named 21st-Century Scholar
Alabama School of Mathematics and Sciences in Mobile has named Brandon Berryhill as a state-level 21st-Century Scholar.
An eighth-grader at Discovery Middle School, Berryhill wrote an essay that earned a full scholarship to attend Adventures in Math and Science, a summer enrichment program at the Mobile school from June 6-24.
Students entering grades 7-10 are eligible.
“The contest just seemed like something interesting. It was a chance to see if other people see my perspective on things,” Berryhill said. His physical science teacher, Jane Caudle, suggested the contest.
To write the essay, Berryhill received two prompts from Alabama School of Mathematics and Sciences: “Apple or Android operating system?” or “If you were a character from the Harry Potter series, who would you be and why?”
Berryhill wrote about the Potter character Severus. ” … Severus talks with Dumbledore about the deal they had … Many people looked at him as an evil person when really he just stayed true to his word.” Berryhill saw parallels with Severus’ actions and his own “situational awareness.”
His essay concluded to avoid looking “at so-called evil people from a one-sided point of view. Sometimes, the person may have ulterior motives that are not so baneful.”
His parents are Barry and Felecia Berryhill. Brandon will enter James Clemens High School in August. He is a native Madisonian.
“Going back on my father’s side, we’ve been here in the Madison County area for at least three generations … and the same with my mother’s side,” he said.
In his spare time, Berryhill checks out the latest in electronics yet hedges about a specific hobby. “Why spend so much time on one thing when you can do a little of everything?” he said.
At Discovery, he participates in Scholar’s Bowl and National Junior Honor Society. Berryhill’s awards include Who’s Who Society of Academic Excellence, two-time People to People Ambassador, state recognition with Duke University’s TIP (Talent Identification Program) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cyber Mission.
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