Lights of Love tree lighting Monday
The 10th annual Lights of Love Tree Lighting Ceremony for the Homicide Survivors Program (HSP) is being held this Monday.
The ceremony will take place at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12 at the Humphries-Rogers Room, located directly behind the Early Works Museum in downtown Huntsville. After the tree lighting, the group will walk to Santa’s Village.
The Homicide Survivors Program supports family and friends who have lost loved ones to murder and vehicular homicide. HSP’s mission is to identify those survivors who are in need of practical intervention and support following a murder of a loved one and provide assistance to them.
“It brings survivors together around the holidays who have had a similar loss,” said Carrie Wilson, program director.” This is important because the holidays are hard times for people who have lost loved ones. It brings them all together and possibly builds relationships to where they can stay in touch throughout the year.”
All survivors are asked to bring ornaments that remind them of their loved one to be placed on the tree.
HSP provides monthly support groups. The group meets at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Family Services Center located at 600 St. Clair Ave Bldg #3 in Huntsville.
Survivors must contact Wilson at (256) 551-1610 to reserve free tickets to Santa’s Village. If you aren’t on the list, you will be responsible for purchasing your own tickets at the door.
Sponsors for this event include: The Early Works Museum and Domino’s Pizza, as well as numerous individual donors.
For those interested sponsoring a family at the event, visit the Lights of Love page found in the events section at Donations may also be mailed to Family Services Center at 600 St. Clair Ave Bldg #3 Huntsville, AL 35801.
Family Services Center is a 501-3(c) non-profit organization that has provided a wide array of much needed services in our community since 1962.