PPK winners to compete in sectionals
Heritage Elementary School winners Andrew Cameron, Caroline Hopkins, Lauren Elmore, Zyon Davis and Montrell Campbell. Not pictured: Shane O'Donnell.
Young Madison students and residents participated in the NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK (PPK) program, a national skills competition for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 15.
On Sunday, Oct. 16, the winners will compete in the Sectional Competition, to be held at the Madison City Schools Stadium. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and the competition begins at 2 p.m.
The PPK program is the oldest NFL Youth Football program. This year, celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
Girls and boys in five separate age divisions (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, and 14-15) compete against each other in punting, passing and place kicking in a fun and engaging forum. The PPK program is free – both to organizers who host a local competition and to every youngster who wants to participate.
Below are the Madison city winners
Mill Creek Boys
8/9 Jackson Wrobel 10/11 Tyler Winton 12/13 Collin Brown
Mill Creek Girls
8/9 Alexia Alvarez 10/11 Hannah Swager 12/13 Rachel Bradberry
Rainbow Boys
8/9 Josh Wooley 10/11 Matthew Burrow 12/13 Brendon Worley
Rainbow Girls
8/9 MaKayla Barnett 10/11 Zaria Fitzgerald 12/13 Alexia Beck
Columbia Boys
10/11 Legend Dewitt 12/13 Duncan Carville
Columbia Girls
8/9 Jada Bennett 10/11 Ashley Dickinson
West Madison Boys
8/9 Logan Hittle 10/11 Wyatt Duthu 12/13 Marcus Glover
West Madison Girls
8/9 Hayley Bedingfield
Heritage Boys
8/9 Andrew Cameron 10/11 Shane O’Donnell 12/13 Montrell Campbell
Heritage Girls
8/9 Caroline Hopkins 10/11 Lauren Elmore 12/13 Zyon Davis
Horizon Boys
8/9 Darius Johnson 10/11 Jamil Muhammad 12/13 Demontrez Marion
Horizon Girls
8/9 Julia Pimmel 10/11 Katelyn Eggenberger 12/13 Wilma Jude
Madison Boys
8/9 Zachary Lesniak 10/11 Louis Hartselle
Madison Girls
8/9 Adaeze Okaror 10/11 Olivia Holden 12/13 Abby Seaton
Palmer Park Boys
8/9 Colin Loosier 10/11 Will Reichard 12/13 J. Pablo Aguirre 14/15
Michael Bernier, Jr
Palmer Park Girls
6/7 Samantha Clegg 8/9 Grace Jordan Stucky