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Senator Holtzclaw to attend Chamber luncheon
Senator Bill Holtzclaw will be coming to speak at the monthly membership luncheon for the Madison Chamber of Commerce.
The luncheon will take place Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at Holiday Inn West off of Madison Boulevard.
“We do have to RSVPs no later than by close of business tomorrow,” said Felicia McInnish. “Anybody can come.”
To RSVP, visit or call the chamber’s office at (256) 325-8317. It costs $20.
His topic is “Enabling Business Opportunities in Alabama.”
Holtzclaw said it’s going to be a footprint for small business opportunities across the state.
McInnish explained he is from the city of Madison and was a former councilmember. She said they asked if he would come, and he gladly accepted.