Refresh yourself on driving with AAA class
AAA-Alabama is offering their annual Safe Driving for Mature Operators class on Friday, July 22 at Asbury United Methodist Church from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
“The class has some really good information about ways to protect yourself on the highway,” said AAA-Alabama spokesperson Clay Ingram. “You don’t hear this information discussed anywhere else.”
Ingram said the course will sharpen driving skills like reaction time, road risks, sight and hearing, while also offering insurance discounts to drivers 55 and older.
Typical insurance discounts range between five and ten percent per year and the certification is valid for three years.
Ingram said the class offers defensive driving techniques that would be good for drivers of all ages.
“My son went through the class when he was sixteen and he really enjoyed it,” Ingram said. “He felt like it helped him a lot.”
Ingram said the class will feature techniques that have changed throughout the years, like where to hold the steering wheel now.
“This is a very interesting and thought provoking class that everyone should take at some point,” said Ingram.
The classes are offered every two months in Madison.
The cost is $25.00 for AAA members and $30.00 for non-members.
Opportunities to sign up with AAA will be available at the class.
The deadline for registration is Thursday, July 21st.
For more information or to sign up for the class, call Clay Ingram at (205) 978-7054 or visit