BJHS cheerleaders give back
The Bob Jones Competition Cheerleading Squad is fighting hunger one can at a time.
The girls are holding the Beat Hoover/Beat Hunger food drive, Oct. 25 through Oct. 29., to benefit Inside-Out Ministries, a local non-profit that helps those who are “struggling to provide basic needs” for themselves.
“Just being able for high school kids to come together and give to the less fortunate means a lot,” said Marcy Smith, one of the food drive organizers.
“It also shows that we are wiling to give back to the community.”
The squad passed out boxes to all first block classes at the beginning of the week, and the class that has the most cans and monetary donations at the end of the week will receive a free Chick fil-A breakfast.
The idea behind the drive came about when Smith and fellow team member, Caroline Goode, saw a similar fundraiser between the University of Alabama and Auburn University.
“We just wanted to raise money for those in need and have a cheerleading community service project,” Goode said.
The drive coincides with the football game against Hoover Friday night.
Goode said the drive should be a success and it would be a good fundraiser for the upcoming cheerleading class.
The girls chose Inside-Out because they said it’s the largest charity in Madison and it would be the perfect way to keep the donations local.
A box will be at the Bob Jones-Hoover game for anyone who would like to donate.