Swearing in
By Staff
New officers for the Madison Rotary Club were recently sworn into office for their fiscal year, July 1-June 30. Outgoing President John Allen transfers the presidential pin to incoming President Pat Cross. Other incoming officers are: Miles Montgomery, president elect, who stands in for the president in her absence; Art Shaw, secretary; Carol Rives, treasurer; Bill Weaver, club service; Dominic Elflick, international service; Debbie Overcash, community service; Paula Cushman, vocational service and Jeff Jones, sergeant-at-arms. Allen said the Madison club has the highest attendance in the region. The club has 37 members, including 12 new members this year. Allen's primary goal was to increase membership. Cross said, "John stepped in on a moment's notice and lead us to a successful year." Allen will become assistant governor for the district. It was noted that there are 31,314 local Rotary clubs across the world and 521 districts.