For the Record
By Staff
Police Arrest Report The Madison Police Department reported the following arrests between April 21 and April 27, 2003. * Assault n 1 * Domestic Violence n 2 * Driving Under the Influence n 7 * Failure to Appear n 3 * Failure to Pay n 3 * Minor in Possession of Alcohol n 5 * Obstruction with False ID n 1 (felony) * Possession of Drug Paraphernalia n 1 * Possession of a Forged Instrument n 1 (felony) * Sex Abuse n 1 (felony) * Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle n 1 * Violation of Probation n 2
Fire Summary Report The Madison Fire Department reported 41 incidents between April 21 and April 27. * Ambulance Assist n 16 * Emergency Medical Call n 14 * Good Intent Call n 1 * Trees, Brush Grass Fire n 2 * Refuse Fire n 1 * Rescue Call n 2 * Service Call n 1 * Situation Found Undetermined n 1 * Smoke / Odor Removal n 1 * Steam Rupture n 1 * Unintentional False Call n 1
Building Permits The Madison Community Development Department issued 38 commercial and residential building permits between April 21 and April 27 for a total of $27,330.80. * 1304 Hughes Road n Commercial n $15,078.43 * 201 Celtic Drive n Commercial n $7,321.09 * 10300 Larkin Drive n Residential n $265.81 * 10132 Long Meadow n Residential n $197.55 * 126 Stoneway Trail n Residential n $76 * 104 Forest Creek Drive n Residential n $443.28 * Glenwood Drive n Residential n $40.50 * 101 Michigan Court n Residential n $477.91 * 1 Gatehouse Court n Residential n $334.39 * 1 Gatehouse Court n Residential n $11.44 * 172 Bridgefield Road n Residential n $339.61 * 170 Bridgefield Road n Residential n $339.13 * 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214 Cathedral Circle n Residential n $1,261.77 * 111 Brickstone Place n Residential n $374.59 * Summerview Drive n Residential n $72.06 * Tidewater Drive n Residential n $431.43
There were 23 electrical permits issued for a total of $2,828.98. There were 14 gas permits issued for a total of $177.50. There were seven home occupation permits issued for a total of $172.50. There were 20 mechanical permits issued for a total of $576. There was one map permit issued for $2. There were 11 plumbing permits issued for a total of $606.
The grand total for all permits issued between April 20 and April 27 was $31,693.78.