Redstone Arsenal remains at Bravo Plus alert
By Staff
Thomas Tingle
Record Managing Editor
As the security level at Redstone Arsenal remains at Force Protection Condition Bravo Plus, officials at the military base say should conditions warrant a higher-level change, there are several measures that will be taken to secure the installation, its workers and the community.
According to Al Schwartz, chief of public affairs at Redstone Arsenal, there is no indication at this time that the security level at the arsenal will be raised to Force Protection Condition Delta.
"We have five condition levels that are put into affect. They are: Normal, Alfa, Bravo, Charlie and Delta," Schwartz said. "We will remain at Bravo Plus unless we're told otherwise."
Tightened security measures were taken at Redstone Arsenal after 9/11. Schwartz said if hostilities begin in Iraq, it is possible that the security level will be increased to Delta.
"If Redstone Arsenal goes to the Delta level, the number of people entering the installation will be extremely limited," Schwartz said. "Key and essential personnel will be expected to report to work at their regular start times. Mission essential personnel will be expected to report no earlier than five hours after their regular start times. All other employees will be told to remain at home and in contact with their respective offices in case they are required to come in to work."
Schwartz said the number of gates remaining open would be reduced
"Only Gate 1 at Martin Road East, Gate 7 at Martin Road West and Gate 9 at Rideout Road will remain open," Schwartz said. "Delays or vehicle backups could occur at the gates. Guards and soldiers will conduct 100 percent inspection of all vehicles entering the post. Food and vendor deliveries, if not mission essential, will be halted and all college classes, seminars and special events will be cancelled."
Schwartz said if Redstone Arsenal goes to the Delta level during normal duty hours, all employees except key and essential workers, will be asked to leave the installation.
Key war elements managed at Redstone Arsenal
Two sophisticated weapons, now being used by U.S. Forces in Iraq, are managed at Redstone Arsenal.
The Apache 64-D Longbow – a lethal and sophisticated military helicopter is managed here. Each helicopter comes with a high-speed modem and a state-of-the-art radar system capable of identifying more than 100 targets at once. Once a target is found, the information is passed on to another weapon managed by Northrop Grumman.
Northrop Grumman makes a sophisticated air-to-ground Longbow Hellfire missile. The Apache helicopter sends the exact location of a target to the Hellfire's computer. Officials at Northrop Grumman say it gives soldiers the ability to engage very sophisticated targets without exposing themselves so that they have a higher probability of returning safely from a mission.
Other weapons managed at Redstone Arsenal include the TOW and Javelin anti-tank missiles. The BAT sub munition is also an anti-tank weapon that is delivered by a Multiple Launch Rocket System.
The Kiowa Warrior scout helicopter and the Black Hawk troop transport and the Chinook helicopters are managed at Redstone Arsenal.