Church Briefs
By Staff
Editor's Note: The Madison County Record gladly accepts church announcements to be published each week in the paper. Church briefs can be mailed to: P.O. Box 859, Madison, AL 35758; e-mailed to:; faxed to: 772-6655. For more information, call 772-6677. The deadline to submit a church brief for the upcoming Wednesday paper is at noon the Friday before.
Walk Against Hunger
Madison area churches will sponsor a "Walk Against Hunger" to collect food for food pantries in Madison from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 6, at the Indian Creek Greenway. Food collection area will be at the start of the greenway in the Creekwood subdivision off Slaughter Road. There will be beverages and hot dogs for the walkers. There are no minimum requirements for walking. In the event of rain, the walk is cancelled, but bring your food items to area churches.
Fun Bells at Madison Christian Church
Beginning this month, Fun Bells will be incorporated into the Sunday school and Wednesday evening Bible studies for youths from preschool through sixth grade. Fun Bells are hand bells that are different colors. Young youth need only know their colors to play music. Older youth use the colors to learn the notes and rhythms to play music.
Morning book club at Grace UMC
The morning book club at Grace United Methodist Church meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. The book to be reviewed in March will be The Ballad of Frankie Silver by Sharon McCrumb. The book is available in paperback and at used bookstores. For more information call Callie Vincent at 539-9870.
Summer music intern/children's ministry intern sought
Applications are now available in the music office at Asbury United Methodist Church in Madison for a summer music intern. Deadline to apply is today. For more information, call William Suit or Jennifer Perritt at 837-0365, ext. 112 or 115 or e-mail or
Asbury Children's Ministry is seeking a summer intern. Application forms and further details may be obtained by contacting Julie Durling, director of children's ministries, at 837-0365, ext. 116 or
Grace UMC sets new hours
There will be a new Sunday studies class offered at Grace United Methodist Church for young adults to age 35. This class will be led by Nick Van Valkenburgh and will meet in the south end of the fellowship hall. Sunday studies classes will begin at 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. A new early worship has been added to the schedule that will be held at 8:30 a.m. The late worship service will begin its new start time at 10:45 a.m.
Messiah sets new service hours
Messiah Lutheran Church in Madison has set new service hours. They are 8:30 a.m., worship; 9:45 to 10:45 a.m., Sunday school; 11 a.m., service.