Big Brothers/Big Sisters need volunteers
By Staff
Thomas Tingle
Record Managing Editor
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Alabama is looking for Madison residents to volunteer in its Lunch Buddies program at Madison Elementary School and Rainbow Elementary School.
Camille Solley, executive director of the organization, said volunteers from the area are needed to serve as mentors at the child's school during lunch once a week.
"During this session, the big brother or sister gets to know the child and assists the child with any social or educational needs," Solley said. "It's been determined that we have eight boys at Madison Elementary School and as many as 20 children at Rainbow Elementary School looking for a volunteer in this particular program. The volunteer must be 16 years of age or older."
Solley said the volunteers would meet with the child once a week at the school. The child's teacher, counselor, principal or social workers are the ones who refer the child to the program. Lunch Buddies will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at Madison Elementary School. A time to meet at Rainbow Elementary School has not been determined.
"Parental consent is required for a child to enroll in the program and a project coordinator is available to work with the volunteer and the child and would be on location for the weekly meetings," Solley said.
"The Lunch Buddies program is one of several programs under the umbrella of the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of North Alabama program. Other programs include a community-based program, pencil pals and homework helpers," Solely said.
She added that people who volunteer are helping the community and also have some fun working with children.
"For those interested in learning more about Big Brothers/Big Sisters, information is available," Solley said. "For our Lunch Buddies program, we're going to seek volunteers from a number of sources in Madison – including Bob Jones High School and local churches. We have several upcoming orientation dates and times where volunteers can learn about our programs. If a group is interested in volunteering, we can bring the orientation and training to the group."
To sign up as a volunteer, call Camille Solley at 880-2123.