Local school news
By Staff
Williams appointed as Liberty assistant principal
Avis Williams is the new assistant principal at Liberty Middle School.
The Madison City School Board appointed Williams to the position. She succeeds Stevan Farris, who died of a heart attack in September.
Before becoming an English teacher at Liberty, Williams,33,coached and taught at Butler High School in Huntsville for two years. She holds a bachelor's degree and teaching certificate in physical education and English from Athens State University and a master's in physical education from Alabama A&M University. She has administrative certification from Jacksonville State University and an educational specialist degree in educational administration from The University of Alabama.
Helms reelected to state school board
Madison City Schools board member Sue Helms has been reelected to represent District 9 on the Alabama Association of School Boards.
This will be her second term and her last, since representatives are not able to serve more than two consecutive terms.
Helms has been a member of the Madison Board of Education for six years. She is the chairwoman of the AASB's Resolution Committee, which drafts the association's legislative positions for the coming year for approval by the Delegate Assembly. She also has served for several years as a member of the association's grassroots lobbying group, the ALERT Network.