Reagan named city council president
By By Thomas Tingle
Record Managing Editor
The Madison City Council has named Councilman Jim Reagan as its new president for the 2003 fiscal year – replacing council member Cynthia McCollum.
At the recent meeting of the city council, members named Councilman Ray Stubblefield as its vice president.
In keeping with protocol, the council names a new president at its first council meeting in October – following the beginning of the fiscal year for the city on Oct. 1.
"I appreciate the council's vote in naming me president and I look forward to serving in this capacity for the next year," Reagan said.
McCollum refreshed the duties the city council president takes on during the year.
"The council president has to approve the agenda, make sure all parties on the council are informed on upcoming events and needed actions; sign off on all local laws, resolutions and ordinances passed by the council," McCollum said. "In addition, there are many meetings that the council president is expected to attend during the year. "I wish the best for Jim Reagan and I look forward to serving the next two years in office and working with the council."