Mom's ministry focuses on educational issues
By By Candy Craig
Special to the Record
A new ministry involving mothers who are gathering to pray for students, teachers and schools is being formed in Madison.
Known as "Mom's In Touch", an informational luncheon will be held and open to anyone interested in finding out more about the ministry. It is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church in Room J125 of the Joy Building.
As students all over the nation begin the fall term, more than 150,000 mothers will be heading back to Moms In Touch groups to pray for their children, teachers and schools. An increasing number of mothers are feeling the need to cry out to God for His protection and blessings upon their children, especially in light of the growing violence and challenges found today on American school campuses.
Fern Nichols, founder and president of Moms In Touch International, an interdenominational Christian prayer ministry, receives letters every week from women who tell her that they began attending a MITI prayer group because of their deep concerns of the well being of their children.
The prayer group started in 1984 with more than 18,000 prayer groups meeting for an hour of prayer each week across the country and 95 foreign countries.
Statewide, Alabama has more than 200 groups and another 150 moms praying for other moms to join with them in starting groups for their children's schools.
Childcare will be available at Asbury UMC by reservation by calling Marilyn Merkel at 325-1800. Plans are under way for a Mom In Touch informational rally to be held this fall in Muscle Shoals.
For more information, or to obtain a listing of MITI groups praying for schools in the area, call Candy Craig at 256-233-7476 or by e-mail at For more information about the ministry in general, or for instructional materials, videos and leadership resources to help mothers start MITI groups for schools that don't have one, call the ministry at 1-800-949-MOMS, or visit the Web site at or send an e-mail to