Say it and mean it
By By Thomas Tingle
Record Managing Editor
Sometimes it takes a little push to help you snap back to reality when you've gone astray and you've lost touch with the things that really mean the most to you.
That has happened to me recently.
I am very grateful for what I've been blessed with in life. I have a wonderful family who has blessed me more than they will ever know. But sometimes, you've got to let them know it. When it's been a long time since you've said it to them, the words can quickly be forgotten.
God has blessed me with a beautiful and loving wife and two adorable children. When I think of those I know, who, for whatever reason, don't have children, I take my son and daughter in my arms and give them a huge kiss and hug and tell my wife how much I love her.
I haven't thanked God as much as I should for the things He has given me. When I think of those who don't believe in God, it saddens me because if they really knew Him, they'd never want to turn their eyes away. It's easy to do that and my eyes have become a little unfocused.
Now, I'm trying to put a new focus in my life and it's going to take some time to get it all back into perspective.
My Mom and Dad are the two most giving people I've ever known. They are my parents and I love them dearly. Whenever I've needed them, they've been right there for me. I don't know if they know how much they mean to me. Perhaps I should tell them more often.
Jennifer's parents are loving and kind. Whenever we've needed them, they've been right there for us. I don't know if they know how much they mean to us. Perhaps we should tell them more often.
It's easy to take advantage of the ones you love. You think that no matter what you say or do, they will always love you. Everyone has feelings though. We all hurt. When we hurt, we want to be comforted by those who love us.
It's easy to think of yourself before thinking of others. When you do it often, it's easy to forget that there are others out there that used to like the way you were when you included them in your life.
We all go through tough situations that knock us off our feet. Sometimes it's easy to get right back up and start again. Sometimes you stumble and fall again and again and again before you figure out another way to do it – and do it right.
I've taken the opportunity to use this column this week to tell the people I love how much I love them. Even though I've been asked to use this column to write about controversial subjects or subjects that mean something to everyone, I'll take it into consideration later. However, I think this column will touch a lot of people in different ways.
My family will read this column soon and I hope it will mean something to them.
But I will also tell them in person how I feel. I can't go back in the past, but I can look to the future. It's a little blurry right now, but I think I'm on the right track now.
The gift of love has truly made me realize what's important. It's not my job. It's not the material possessions I have. It's being the best person I can be and thanking God and thanking those in my life who mean the most to me.
If you say it often – as you should, I bet you would hear it back.
Say it and mean it.